Plant Ambient Plant Care Mona Lavender Plectranthus

Mona Lavender Plectranthus

This shade lover is an exciting new variety, perfect for indoor cultivation. Few other plants bloom so reliably indoors, for so many months, and even fewer are as easy to grow as “Mona.”

Discover Plectranthus ‘Mona Lavender’
The erect stems are densely covered with dark green egg-shaped leaves with serrated edges. The glossy leaves are evergreen with purple undersides, making it a beautiful year-round houseplant.

Just when most plants slow down in the fall, this floral beauty sends up tall spikes of lilac-spotted lavender tubular flowers. It is the shorter daylight hours that trigger the flowering, so do not place it under artificial light. You will probably enjoy the flowers all winter and until spring.

Plectranthus ‘Mona Lavender’
Botanical Name: Hybrid Of Plectranthus

‘Mona Lavender’ is a fast-growing perennial shrub that is quickly becoming a popular houseplant. This shade lover is an exciting new variety, perfect for indoor cultivation. Few other plants bloom so reliably indoors, for so many months, and even fewer are as easy to grow as “Mona.”

Discover Plectranthus ‘Mona Lavender’
The erect stems are densely covered with dark green egg-shaped leaves with serrated edges. The glossy leaves are evergreen with purple undersides, making it a beautiful year-round houseplant.

Just when most plants slow down in the fall, this floral beauty sends up tall spikes of lilac-spotted lavender tubular flowers. It is the shorter daylight hours that trigger the flowering, so do not place it under artificial light. You will probably enjoy the flowers all winter and until spring.

Pinch and prune. Pinching new stem tips promotes branching and keeps the plant compact. (Don’t throw them away – you can easily propagate them for more plants.) The flowers grow on top of new branches, so you get more flowers this way. Also cut off the tips of the flowers when the flowers have faded to promote more flowers.

Repot in the spring after flowering. Move to a pot only 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) longer to give it some space to grow. Use a pot with drainage holes to avoid moist soil that leads to root rot.

Problems with this plant are few. The hot, direct sun and the dry soil finish it. You can keep your plant indoors all year round. However, if you put it outside for the summer, protect it from direct sunlight. Also check the soil every few days so that it does not dry out.

Mona Lavender Buying Advice

‘Mona Lavender’ is a newer variety. If you can’t find it at your local garden center, ask for it. It is worth growing up. You can find it in online kindergartens.

Maintenance Tips ‘Mona Lavender’

Origin: Tropical South Africa

Height: 2 feet (60 cm)

Light: bright indirect light all year round

Water: Water thoroughly, then let the top 1 inch (2.5 cm) dry between waterings.

Humidity: medium room (about 40-50% relative humidity). Indoor air can become extremely dry in winter; it’s a good idea to use a moisture meter near your plant instead of guessing. If necessary, use a pebble bowl or a room humidifier with a cool mist.

Temperature: Medium ambient temperatures (65-80°F / 18-27°c) are well suited for this tropical plant. The goal is to keep it warm all year round. If you put ‘Mona Lavender’ on the Terrace for the summer, bring it back when the temperature drops. It does not tolerate frost.

Soil: loam based on peat moss with the addition of perlite and / or vermiculite for good drainage. The African violet pot mix is ideal.

Fertilizer: feed every 2 weeks with a water-soluble fertilizer.

Propagation: In spring or summer, take 4 in (10 cm) cuttings with stem tips. They take root easily in moist potting soil or water. Sow the seeds in the spring.

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